After four months of not working due to chemotherapy effects, money is running out. Going back to what we did last year isn’t an option. In fact, it may have contributed to the leukemia getting as bad as it did. So, here’s a quick poll of the most obvious options. Write answers in as many of the options as you wish. Answers can be as simple as Yes or No, but I’d love it if you’d explain your answer. An explanation of the options is below the survey. Scroll down if you want to read those before making your decision.

Explaining the options
Returning to Photography
Obviously, this is what I know best and have the most experience doing. However, at this point, doing so means finding someone willing to help invest in the cost of equipment, studio space, and portfolio models, in addition to basic business costs. The estimated total comes to about $50,000. That’s a lot of money! The only way that begins to make sense is to charge a minimum of $300 for a basic photoshoot. Are people willing to pay that? I don’t know, and the cost of doing such a survery exceed my budget.
Go on a book tour
I’ve never been involved in book PR all that much. Online sales alone aren’t cutting it. This is an example of having to spend money in order to make money. Only, I don’t have any money. I would need a sponsor to cover travel expenses and pay for copies of the books to sell at the event. I have only the most vague idea how any of this works, so I would need some serious and detailed advice.
Public Speaking
I can do this. I’ve always been able to do this. Remember, growing up there was a pretty decent chance I would be a preacher. I’ve had the training. So, why not put that to good use? I could speak on topics such as 10 Things Photography Taught Me About Life, or My Mother Wouldn’t Approve Of You, among other things. For this to work, I’d need to charge a minimum of $1000 per event, plus travel and expenses. Who would want me to come speak?
Sell Prints Online
This one is frustrating because we’ve had prints on sale online for quite a while and, despite the number of people who browse, no one ever buys. It could be the content, I’m willing to accept that. But what would sell? How do we make online sales work without hiring a third party?
Sell More Merch
This lovely piece of advice seems to be the default answer from most PR people. Okay. I have merch for sale. No one buys it, even when I’m pushing it aggressively. If I’m going to sell more merchandise, I need to know what types of merchandise people are most likely to buy. This could be challenging given the narrow markups on things such as t-shirts and other clothing. I need some direction here.
This is what we have. If you have other ideas or care to offer some clarification on any of the subjects, feel free to contact me!