I don’t know how long I’m going to make it this morning. I went to bed early enough, around 8:30, but then I woke up a little after 1:00 and couldn’t go back to sleep. So, I got up and worked on this morning’s sermon, which you’ll want to read because I lost sleep over this thing! It should be posted a little before 10:00 this morning. I’ll do my best to stay awake and share it with everyone.
We didn’t get all the mowing done yesterday. Since we have an electric mower, we have long extension cords to power the thing. Over time, a spot on one of the cords became frayed and now has some exposed wire. As I was mowing yesterday, I ran my hand over that wire. The resulting jolt had my hand tingling for much of the rest of the day. Of course, I couldn’t have the kids using the mower in those conditions. I got online and ordered some electrical tape to cover the damaged area. What I got instead was double-sided tape. I decided to go with another provider and ordered the tape again, but this time it won’t be here until Monday afternoon. By that time, it could be raining again.
The kids didn’t complain. After being up until midnight for two nights in a row, they both stuck close to their beds. Unfortunately, that means neither of them did their chores, either. We’ll need to have a talk about that today.
We’re still watching Hurrican Beryl, the UK and French elections, and the disturbing fact that Brazil’s Bolsonaro hopes the Orange Felon returns to power. Bolsonaro is a corrupt criminal as well. I guess he’s looking for company.
Naps are going to be a necessity today. Sure, there are things today, but by the time I take my chemo meds, my body is going to be insisting on lying down. We’ll just have to see how this day goes.