Nudity is an appropriate response

Life on this planet is not easy. Every part of this planet is trying to exterminate us, from floods to hurricanes, a “wall of water” in Florida, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, and bears that are sick and tired of being compared to creepy white men. This is not a planet that is especially kind to human beings. You’d think we’d be more careful to band together and make sure that we are all living the best lives we possibly can. But no. We stupidly have decided that killing each other, disrespecting each other, and just plain being mean is how we want to behave.
Okay, maybe let me filter that a little bit. That is how the far-right portion of the country, dominated politically by Southern Baptists and the GOP, chooses to behave. I’ve not seen too many people outside of that group being such poor examples of humanity, though there certainly are some. Mental illness is usually the excuse given to them. Still, the GOP and their felonious leader are intent on disrespecting, if not outright eliminating, the lives of everyone who doesn’t agree with them. Whoever gave them the idea that they have the right to do that needs to have their noggin examined, but since no one is taking responsibility for that, we have to take them to task ourselves.
I’m going to look at three specific things that happened recently and were reported today. These things matter because if we don’t lock them down and yell and scream our absolute disgust and outrage, they’ll keep happening and, ultimately you will pay the price. Personally, I plan on dying sometime in the next twenty years, so I’ll probably avoid the worst of it. But the rest of you are in danger. Consider this your warning.

A lot of people like to accuse the good folks of Seattle, Washington of being liberal and soft on crime, but that’s not the case of Aaron Brown Myers, a 51-year-old resident of the city who apparently thinks he’s a one-person police force. This fucking idiot decided that he was going to sit outside a Big 5 Sporting Goods store in Renton, Washington “just in case” the place were to be the victim of a violent crime. WHY he thought that the sporting goods store was going to be targeted no one seems to know at this point. Still, this self-proclaimed “security consultant” sat out in the parking lot and waited for something to happen.
Along come three kids, two of the kids had Airsoft guns on their person, one in a back pocket, the other in a coat pocket. They intended to return or replace the guns because they weren’t operating as they should. It’s important to understand that Airsoft is a game, not a brand. The compressed air-powered weapons can be purchased legally from a variety of sources and, because they’re not considered lethal, can be purchased and carried by people under the age of 18. Because of the wide variety of brands and the popularity of such games, it’s not too surprising that some guns would be prone to being faulty.
Seeing the three kids, Myers makes the stupid decision that they must be about to violently rob the store and decides to intervene. He ended up killing a 17-year-old. The teen was shot once in the side and six times in the back. King County senior deputy prosecuting attorney Lauren M. Burke wrote in a case summary, “In this case, the defendant attacked three teenagers who had not committed any crime and at every stage of the interaction chose to escalate with more and more violence until it culminated in the defendant taking the life of 17-year-old H.R.”
Myers’ attorneys are claiming that he “feared for his life,” but you and I both know that’s total nonsense. He was told that the boys were only carrying Airsoft guns, not real ones. And shooting anyone in the back six times is overly aggressive. Furthermore, this isn’t the first time Myers has pulled this stunt! According to public records, on March 22, Myers called 911 and said that a person on a bicycle was holding a gun and pointing it at people. He told the 911 operator that he (Myers) had a pistol and “might have to intervene.” That time, the police got there and discovered that there was no weapon. Left to his own devices, Myers would have shot a totally innocent person.
This is one of the biggest problems with the broad outline of the Second Amendment. Myers isn’t part of some “regulated militia!” He’s a fucking menace! It’s because of him that the very concept of “good guys with a gun” is null and void. Just earlier this week, the FBI announced that murders across the country are down by 15% over last year! We don’t need fuck-ups like Myers taking it upon himself to sit in random parking lots and look for potential robbers. He’s killed someone completely innocent. A kid who had his entire life in front of him and probably was himself a gun proponent. Because of idiots like this, you and I are better off shopping from home.

Long before they showed up in Indianapolis this week, we knew the Southern Baptist Convention was going to do some stupid things while in town. The fun thing is that the headline being spread around sounds like they didn’t. “Southern Baptists reject ban on women pastors in historic vote” is the headline being pushed by USA Today. As is often the case with this particular news source, the headline is not 100% accurate.
While the 10,000 or so “messengers” fell short of the two-thirds majority to change their constitution, they only did so narrowly. 61% voted in favor of the measure. Southern Baptists still hate the voice of women, still reject the historical and biblical authority of women, and have their heads completely up their asses and stuck deep in their bowels as to how women could actually help the rapidly declining population of the denomination. Being a woman in a Southern Baptist church is like being a mole on someone’s back: no one notices until it turns cancerous and starts causing trouble.
Let’s be very clear: what Southern Baptist rejected was allowing the national organization, or any subset thereof, to control the actions of individual churches in any way, shape, or form. This was about governmental autonomy, not women. One of the hallmarks of the SBC is that each of their churches is independent. There is no council that keeps pastors in line, there is no committee that can slap sanctions on a church that steps out of line. This is why they have no database, no hard records, and no way of defrocking ministers who are guilty of rape and sexual abuse, both of which are, according to previous outside reports, rampant across the entirety of SBC churches. They’re a bunch of ministerial predators who want to avoid anything that could get them caught and result in a large number of pastors and youth ministers ending up in jail. THAT is what the SBC rejected this afternoon.

Making their hatred of and desire to dominate women even more obvious, the SBC also voted today to condemn IVF procedures. In my opinion, this may be one of the most cruel statements they’ve ever issued. What the statement essentially does is allow local churches to excommunicate, or in their terms, “remove from fellowship,” any woman who avails herself of IVF procedures at any time, whether it works or not.
Disclaimer: I have both family members and very dear friends who are the fortunate parents of darling children whose birth would not have been possible without IVF. I might be a bit biased on the issue.
Why in the world would the SBC [and the Catholic church as well] villainize a medical procedure that holds the potential of bolstering their sagging membership? Because IVF has become the new center of the ridiculous abortion argument. Mind you, it’s not a debate. A debate occurs between two reasonable people based on established facts. The anti-abortion side is not reasonable and refuses to recognize established medical facts. This is a sloppy and unnecessary argument that no intelligent person would engage in were this a reasonable society. The far-right is afraid of reason, however. They fear that reason will keep you from believing in their deity (which is likely true). Therefore, they abandon reason altogether and come at us with one stupid idea after another.
IVF has helped millions of families conceive and have beautiful children who are loved and cherished. The process (which I just had to explain to Tipper because she was looking over my shoulder) involves taking an egg from the mommy and the sperm from the daddy and introducing them to each other in a petri dish. If the egg likes the sperm and becomes fertilized, it is then planted back in the mommy who then becomes pregnant. Nine months later, if everything goes well, a beautiful little baby is born.
The problem, from a medical perspective, is that not everything goes well. In fact, the chances of a mother’s body rejecting the zygote (calling it a fetus is wrong) are pretty high. That’s why doctors don’t do one at a time. Repeated rejections would be extremely difficult on the mother’s body and could keep her from ever carrying a baby to term. To remedy that problem, they take multiple eggs (and plenty of sperm) and then only reinsert the most viable zygotes. This is why you’ve seen a dramatic increase in the number of twins, triplets, and quads over the past few years. It is safe to assume that if they’re not identical (all from the same egg) siblings, then they are likely IVF babies.
Again, you’d think churches would be excited about the prospect of more babies! But no, they’re worried about the leftovers, the ones that are either ethically destroyed or frozen in case the couple wants to try again somewhere down the road. In the opinion of the church, destroying those eggs and sperm, most of which have not yet been brought together and likely never will be, is the same as abortion.
See? I told you they don’t recognize established facts! These are not viable fetuses that we’re talking about! If implanted in a mother’s womb, there is a severe potential they could do incalculable damage to the woman’s body. And you know what else? The SBC wants other couples to “adopt” these frozen specimens and “bring them into a full life.” Do you even begin to comprehend how fucking dangerous that is? Getting IVF to take hold is rough enough when only the biological parents are involved. Bring in another family and the chances for everything to go wrong, including but not limited to the death of the woman, rises astronomically! Who the fuck would want to encourage that? Slapping everyone across the face with an iron skillet would be less painful!
This is exactly how wrong Catholics, Southern Baptists, and the GOP are on reproductive rights. They’d rather see people die than listen to science and/or allow a woman to have control over her own body. They’re happy to risk the lives of adults if it “saves” a fucking zygote. There are no working brain cells in their argument! This is idiocy at its worst and if you’re buying this load of crap then you’re just as big an idiot.
Yeah, I said it. Intelligent people trust the science, not the mythology.
And that’s just a part of the crazy that has taken place today. You might as well strip down and run around naked in your front yard. You still won’t be as crazy as the far right and their felonious leader.
Morning Update: 06/16/24
My children (the four-legged ones) woke me shortly after 6:00 this morning. Did I sleep at all last night? It certainly doesn’t feel like I did. Toss, turn, flip, repeat. If I was a piece of meat simmering over a low flame, I’d be burned by now. This isn’t how I like to start the morning. I walked into the living room and noticed that the cats had broken yet another glass-covered frame.
While I was out with the dogs, three jets passed overhead, leaving IND just as fast as air traffic control could get them off the ground. They seemed to be taunting me, “We’re escaping and you’re not, loser.” I’ve not been outside Indianapolis since my last trip to Chicago, four years ago. Being around so many people whose minds are warped from generations of belief in mythology, who are mistakenly convinced that the 1950s morality was better, and who think they have a right to force their morality and opinions on others, is crippling. I’d leave, but where am I going to go, and, more importantly, who is going to take me there?
A perfect example of why this is a horrible state is found in yesterday’s state GOP convention. We already knew that, following the primary, Mike Braun is the unfortunate choice for governor. Braun has been useless as a US Senator, so I doubt he’ll be any better as a governor. He had chosen state Rep. Julie McGuire as his running mate. But noooooo, Indiana is so fucking stupid that they chose ultra-right-wing pastor Micah Beckwith. This classless idiot “is known for his far-right stances on gender, sexuality, and abortion. He cast himself as a political outsider who would keep the governor’s office in check, limit property taxes, and oppose school efforts to support the LGBTQ+ community,” according to the Associated Press. Braun says he’ll hold Beckwith in check, but can we rely on that? No, we can’t. Beckwith lobbied for over a year to get this position. We’ll painfully feel his influence if he’s elected. Can Democrats win? No. They’re underfunded and continue to nominate people who are unelectable from the outset. Indiana is going to be one of the worst places to live on the planet.
But then, I’m not exactly happy with the rest of the planet, either. These are some of the headlines greeting me this morning:
Do you see the repeating pattern in all those headlines? How fucking stupid are we to stick to a faulty constitutional amendment just because of who wrote it? We’ve said it again and again and again, the US is the ONLY industrialized country with this problem! We need to get the fuck over this stupid worship of a single statement by people who lived in a very different society.
Maybe I should move to Denmark or Finland. I wonder if they let old people in.
A forecasted high of 96 this afternoon most likely nixes our weekly walk in the park. The Brickyard Vintage Racing Invitational is making noise over at the track. One would have to be a real fan of old race cars to endure all the short little races that are on the schedule. Apparently, there aren’t many of these fans left. They can fit all the parking in the infield. Still, we have to put up with the noise.
My sugar was stupid high again last night. I’m not sure if it was the hamburger bun, the cheese, or the mashed potatoes that is at fault. On their own, I wouldn’t have expected any of them to send my glucose skyrocketing, but together they generated a frightening number. Maybe that’s why I’m so cranky.
There WILL be a new video posted, probably a little later this morning. I managed to finish everything except the rendering last night. We’ll see what kind of hoops I have to jump through to get it posted. The last one had to be FTP’d onto the server. This one’s larger. Yikes!
And yeah, we still need help with that new machine. Venmo: @C_I_Letbetter or CashApp: $ciletbetter. We don’t need all that much. I just have nothing left to give to it myself.
Maybe I should go back to bed and stay there the rest of the day.
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