The older you get, the more fragile you understand life to be. I think that’s good motivation for getting out of bed joyfully each day.—Julia Roberts

Does a positive attitude really increase our life span? Does it hurt to try?
Another week is starting and if ever there were a time the hashtag #MondayMotivation was necessary, this would be it. Getting out of bed was rough; there’s rain coming in today and my arthritis has my hands hurting to the point that every letter I type is painful. I can use a little encouragement to get through the next several hours. There’s too much to do to stay in bed.
More than just getting out of bed in a timely manner, though, I’m trying an experiment this morning. It may run a day, or a few hours, or all week. I went to the death clock yesterday for amusement (yeah, I’m that weird) and noticed something interesting. Of all the variants that might make a difference in my longevity, attitude played the biggest role. If I leave all the settings at their default, which is what I’m inclined to do, the death clock has me kicking the bucket at age 73, which is less than 20 years from now. I’m not especially happy with that outcome. However, if I change the “mode” or attitude to “optimistic” the calculator has me living to the ripe old age of 93. Twenty years difference in longevity simply based on attitude. Now there’s some #MondayMotivation for you.
Of course, the calculator is meant for entertainment purposes only and while there’s some lightweight science behind their use of the BMI index, it certainly shouldn’t be taken too terribly seriously. Things happen that we can’t predict. Still, it got me thinking that it probably would make everyone’s life a bit more pleasant if I made more of an effort to be just a touch more optimistic in my attitude, and that certainly applies to how I feel about Mondays. This is rarely my favorite days, and for me, Tuesdays are often worse.
However, none of that replaces the fact that the joints in my fingers are screaming at me this morning. So, rather than type a lot of motivational platitudes at you, I’m going to borrow some from Twitter, which conveniently stores all the #MondayMotivation things in one place. These are totally random, but hopefully they at least give you reason to smile a bit.
Morning all, hope everyone has a good day! #coffee #mondaymotivation
— The Lowry (@The_Lowry) January 25, 2016
@waitrose your delicious Mexican quinoa bowl with feta instead of cheddar! #MondayMotivation
— Izzy Kerr (@izzy__kerr) January 25, 2016
#mondaymotivation #mondaymorning… Eat all your breakfast, can’t work (or play ) on an empty stomach.
— Anna McKann (@AuthorMcKann) January 25, 2016
Good Morning, welcome to the last week in January. Here’s our #MondayMotivation and do enjoy your week.
— Investment One (@InvestmentOne) January 25, 2016
Let’s do this … #MondayMotivation
— Sarah Ellis (@SarahAspire) January 25, 2016
Anyone else daydreaming that Monday was looking like this? #mondaymotivation
— EA Barbados (@elegantbarbados) January 25, 2016
What more could you want? #MondayMotivation
— OPPO Headphones (@OPPOheadphones) January 25, 2016
What will your future self thank you for? #MondayMotivation
— Intouch Accounting (@IntouchAcc) January 25, 2016
Our #mondaymotivation ? Pom pom twirling Bugs. #earlyyears
— Music Bugs HQ (@MusicBugs) January 25, 2016