Morning Update: 08/11/24

If I were a church-going person, and I’m not, I would be struggling this morning. Tipper did end up going with her school friend to the fair, but it was almost 7:00 PM before they picked her up and they stayed until the fair closed at 11:00. The trip almost didn’t happen. Her friend was dependent on their mother to drive and Mom didn’t seem to feel the same urgency the kids did. Tipper was close to canceling when she finally got the message that they were on their way.
It was almost midnight when she got home, and, of course, I couldn’t go to sleep until I knew she was back safely. She was excited, having won a stuffed elephant and purchased a unique water bottle. She wanted to pet all the cats and talk about the trip, so it was after 12:30 this morning before I crawled under the covers. I’m only awake now because the cats are on a schedule and demand to be fed on time. The dogs need to go out before I type the next paragraph.
[Hoo boy. Took the dogs out for about 10 minutes. Tipper joined me and we talked more about the fair. When we came back in, though, I was hit with really strong dizziness that has yet to go away. I’m sitting down and am safe for now, but if this doesn’t get better I’ll have to cut things short.]
G spent a large part of yesterday sprawled across his bed doing math; multiplying polynomials, specifically. What are polynomials? They’re letters and numbers all mixed up and doing stuff. Technically, an expression which is composed of variables, constants, and exponents, that are combined using mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. You know, the kind of math that causes mere mortals to go insane. G was doing them on purpose. All morning. He then took a long nap cuddled with a cat. He likes it when the house is quiet. He also likes it when he’s not forced to interact with anyone else. So, I’m guessing it was a pretty good day for him, too.
I’m not seeing a lot of news this morning that warrants any comment. Of course, I’m sure there are people who are upset that Jordan Chiles has to return her bronze medal. I get it, but the Romanians were quick to challenge the decision and the matter was adjudicated by a court, so I’m not surprised. I’m not saying it’s fair, but I’m not surprised.
With the Olympics ending today, all eyes turn next to Los Angeles for the 2028 Summer Games. LA is already making the games interesting by announcing that the entire Olympic venue will only be accessible by public transportation. No cars. Given how horrid LA traffic is, I can see where this decision makes sense. They’re going to have to greatly improve their transit system, though, if they want things to go smoothly. Like many urban transit systems, the vehicles are dirty, smelly, and unreliable. If they don’t step up their game considerably, the whole thing could be a disaster.
However, there could be some alternatives. If you were watching early this morning, US time, you might have gotten a glimpse at the Volocopter, an autonomous air taxi, as it provided a test flight over Paris. They couldn’t get all the paperwork done in time for the service to be available for these games, but backers are anxiously hoping to have the service operational for the LA Games. I see some challenges, to be sure, but they have four years to work those out. Tesla’s autonomous taxis, though, still won’t be allowed even if they work without killing someone or blowing up.
The New York Times is boring today as well, which is disappointing. Normally, I head straight for the Times Magazine, but it’s a rare yawner today. There is an interesting article about the “orgasm gap” that women still experience but I would have liked a little more science and depth to the piece. So much of what I’m seeing seems redundant, remixed leftovers from what we’ve been reading all week. Even the opinion pieces feel “meh.”
Maybe I’m just difficult to please.
I’m still not feeling great, though. I may go back to bed after checking in with the kids. I should probably check my blood pressure, too.
There’s always something wrong. Fucking cancer.
Morning Update: 08/12/24
Being awake is overrated. I’m convinced of that fact this morning after going through yesterday with nothing more than a 45-minute nap. There were things to do, Amazon deliveries to catch, repeated trips outside with the dogs, and conversations with G about the new game he was playing. By the time we finally finished dinner, I was ready to collapse but waited until after 8:00 so I could take the dogs out one last time. That didn’t work. At 1:30 this morning they informed me that they needed to go out again. The only upside of that was getting to see a bit of the Perseid meteor shower while we were out. I’m still tired this morning, but again, there are things to do, Amazon deliveries to catch, and inevitably repeated trips outside with the dogs.
Tipper had another “date” yesterday afternoon with her BF, Gio, and his family. I think they ended up going to a mall or shopping center of some sort. She came back with loot, again, this time being most proud of an energy drink that had a picture of her favorite anime character on it. This time, Kat picked her up, which gave her a chance to visit some with Gio’s mom. The result is that she’ll be cutting Gio’s hair later this week. No word yet on whether Tipper will arrange to be at the salon that afternoon or not. Any way you slice it, it’s cute.
High blood pressure continues to be an issue this morning. No severe dizzy spells yet, but I can tell that one is just lingering behind my eyes. If this continues, we’ll be making another visit to the doctor. I have a feeling they’ll want that a bit more under control before the colonoscopy scheduled for later this month. I’m wondering if this could partly be a sleep issue, considering that I’ve been well off schedule over the weekend. Unfortunately, today may not be much better.
The Olympics are over, the handoff to LA has been made, the flame has been extinguished. Yet, controversy remains. Jordan Chiles has been stripped of a gymnastics bronze medal, but the USOPC says it will appeal. Apparently, there’s video evidence of some kind and you know that whole conversation is going to get messy before a final solution is reached. Olympic boxing champion Imane Khelif filed a legal complaint for online harassment against her because people are fucking stupid. I’d love to see her punch one of those trolls who won’t drop the subject of her gender.
One moment that many may have overlooked was when the US Women’s Basketball Team received their gold medals. Tears flowed hard down Britteny Griner’s face as the national anthem was played. She didn’t bother wiping them away. After spending 10 months in a Russian jail for weed possession, she didn’t think she’d get this opportunity again. The moment was one of the most moving I’ve seen from this Olympics.
While I’ve been purposefully avoiding talking about the Israel/Gaza war, I guess there’s no escaping it this morning. On one hand, Israel is widening evacuation orders for southern Gaza. Where the fuck they expect people to go, I don’t know. Every time people move to get out of the way of battle, Israel just bombs them in the places they told them would be safe. However, tolerance of the war is shrinking as more countries are demanding that a cease-fire be reached. Netanyahu is a stubborn old man so I’m not sure the international pressure will be effective, especially with the US continuing to send them money for weapons. Meanwhile, a nuclear submarine is being sent to the region because threats of the war broadening won’t go away and those on the ground are saying that tensions have never been higher.
Speaking of money, you know how there’s not supposed to be any of it flowing into Russia? Well, guess what Reuters discovered? Not only is both US and EU cash getting through, there’s a lot of it; roughly $2.3 billion worth. While sanctions prohibiting the exchange of cash have been in place since 2022, hard currency is still preferred for a number of businesses, including some arms sales. And while the Chinese Yaun is the dominant currency, individuals still prefer the dollar for small investments, traveling, and international purchases. Now that the situation has been brought to light, it will be interesting to see how, or if, the State Department responds.
Today is the 75th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions, the rules put in place after WWII to, theoretically, help police violent acts committed by governments and avoid the type of genocide committed during that war. The problem is that no one is paying any attention to those rules. It doesn’t help any that none of the world’s major players, the US, Russia, and China, are members of the International Criminal Court which prosecutes war crimes. So, while the rules exist, there’s no enforcement that has any meaning. We’ve seen countless charges levied against Russia, Hamas, and Israel, but they’ve all fell flat. This leaves us to question whether there’s any point in having the rules at all.
We now know that the plane that crashed in Brazil over the weekend was carrying a group of doctors on their way to an oncology conference. The cause of the accident is still in question. Meteorologists have said there was icing in the Sao Polo region at the time of the crash, but experts warn against jumping to any conclusions. Both black boxes have been recovered, so everyone is hoping that will answer some of the lingering questions.
I’m going to go out on a limb and disagree with some local meteorologists who’ve downplayed today’s chance for rain. I’m looking at the radar now (8:01 AM EDT) and what appeared to be a weak system last night has grown considerably this morning. While severe weather isn’t in the works, I think we could see more than just “a sprinkle” or two this afternoon.
There are some other points of interest sitting out there this morning, but it’s Monday and that alone carries enough weight to be depressing. I’m going to just end it here and strongly consider going back to bed for a little while. The first Amazon delivery for the day has already arrived, so I should have a few hours before the trucks are rolling through the neighborhood.
Today’s goal is to not let the day become overwhelming. I wish us all good luck.
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