Wednesday, January 22, 2025
What Would Batman Do?
For a long time, there have been people, almost smart individuals, who are convinced that we live in either a computer simulation or some other type of alternative reality. Most days, I roll my eyes at such ideas. How can we discern a fake reality when we don’t have a grip on true reality? But then, I started looking through the news this morning and I have to admit that something feels off. There’s snow on the water tower at Pensacola Beach. New Orleans’ Bourbon Street is covered in a white powder that didn’t come from Mexico. The first headline I see? ‘[Felonious Punk] pardons founder of Silk Road website.’ Just down the page from that was ‘Punk fires heads of TSA, Coast Guard and guts key aviation safety advisory committee.’
I think I have it figured out: we’re not in a simulation or alternative reality, we’re in a DC Comics’ Batman episode. The Penguin has managed to become president of Gotham, which is not just a city now but an entire country and his first act was to pardon all the other criminals sitting in Arkham. He then gets rid of law enforcement officials so that he and his friends can’t be arrested again. Drugs and weapons can freely enter the country and can even be ordered directly through the dark web! He sits on his throne and refers to this as the ‘Golden Age of Evil’ while dangerously playing with the Sword of Damocles.
Just like in the hit spinoff series, ‘The Penguin,’ Batman is nowhere to be found. Disappointing, isn’t it? We grew up thinking that a rich heir to his billionaire daddy’s fortune would become the dark-winged vigilante that brought justice to the world. Instead, the billionaires are all over in Davos slapping each other on the back. Has DC Comics been lying to us this entire time or did they just hire a new set of writers?
In this episode, the Felonious Punk Penguin, like any comic book villain, is testing his powers to see how much he can get away with. He starts by removing the Constitution and other founding documents as well as information about preceding presidents from the White House website. A handful of people grumble online, but not enough to bother him. Next, he eliminates traditional places of sanctuary such as churches and schools, opening the door to anyone being arrested anywhere. His administration directs all federal diversity, equity, and inclusion staff to be put on leave, making sure marginalized people stay marginalized. Police investigate whether foreign actors are paying for antisemitic crimes in Australia. Could this be the work of the Felon’s henchmen?
The truth is that no billionaire is coming to save us. Billionaires are how Felonious Punk made this rise to power in the first place. There’s no Alfred pulling strings down in the Batcave. Lucious Fox isn’t tinkering around with interesting gadgets that manage to stun but not kill anyone. If we’re going to get out of this mess, we have to do it ourselves and we can’t expect the police, the Justice Department, or anyone else in government to help us. This is all up to you and me. The gloves have to come off. There are no rules.
One of the first questions we have to ask ourselves is, “Who’s going to save Anne Frank?” White America has been fascinated with the story of the Jewish family hidden by friends and ultimately murdered by Nazis for nearly a century. What we’ve never dealt with, however, is how we would respond to a similar situation. It’s time to have that conversation. If ICE comes into your church building, are you going to stand in their way? If they come to your child’s school and interrupt their class to take away their best friend, will you intervene? If your next-door neighbors are targeted, will you hide them?
If you say you would help the Frank family but won’t lift a finger for an immigrant family now, you’re a fucking hypocrite and a bad person. I don’t want to know you. I don’t want to see you. Go away. Do we not have a moral responsibility to humanity to protect those prosecuted by evil? Or are we too fucking blind to see the evil standing right before us?
Dear citizens of Gotham, the time has come to write your part. What are you going to do? Are you going to linger in the shadows, a faceless part of the crowd? Are you going to huddle around your fire and deny access to anyone else who’s shivering in the cold? Or are you going to help those who are targeted, give voice to the marginalized, and do what you can to foil the plans of Felonious Punk and his henchmen?
Temps are cold enough this morning that the kids’ school has declared this an e-learning day. The whole concept of e-learning is that you don’t have to be physically present to learn and do something positive. Dear US citizens: this is your e-learning day. Login. Take a good look at the assignment, and then get it done. You already have everything you need.
And if you need one, coffee is the universal antidote for everything.
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Friend or Foe?
The conversation with Tipper this morning, as she got ready to leave for school, was one that I never imagined needing to have. “If you see anyone coming into your classroom or anywhere else at the school and removing students, I want you to text me immediately.” I didn’t have to tell her why. She’s already well aware of the ICE raids going on around town. She and her classmates have been discussing them and sharing their fears with each other all week.
“It’s more likely to happen on the bus than at school, I think,” Tipper said. “They’ve already been doing that. My friends have seen it. I’ll call you if I see anything.”
“No, text me, don’t call. Don’t do anything that would draw attention to yourself,” I warned her. “Putting your phone up to your ear could be seen as an aggressive action.”
The fact is, she’s concerned. Sure, she’s trying to blow it off and knows that she’s not likely to be at the top of anyone’s list, but there’s that lingering doubt. Tipper knows she can no longer trust some authority figures. She wants to be defiant and protect her friends but she also knows she can’t really fight back against armed adults.
Why the concern? Tipper wasn’t born in the US. Kat and her bio-dad were stationed at the Marine base in Okinawa when she was born. Both US and Japanese birth certificates were issued. Both of her parents are US citizens. Yet, as Felonious Punk wages war against the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, there’s room to question whether she might potentially be caught up in the new detention of immigrants. I’ve tried easing her concerns, she knows her risks are slim, but she’s also aware that situations like these are unpredictable and that innocent people can be caught up.
Making matters worse is the knowledge that the DOJ is investigating any local police who don’t go along with the immigration round-up. This page, straight out of the Waffen SS playbook, makes it impossible to know which police officers can be trusted to uphold the Constitution and which can’t. Crime never stops, but if you can’t trust local police to do the right thing, what happens next? Is it still safe to call 911 if you only speak Spanish? What if you have an ‘accent’ of some kind? Are 911 operators going to send ICE along with emergency services if they think the caller might be an immigrant?
I’m watching to see if there are any mass resignations from the Department of Justice in light of these new presidential orders. I’m not expecting it, at least not yet, but that is what needs to happen. One of the most critical things coming out of the Nuremberg Trials is the legal concept that ‘following orders’ is not an excuse for actions that violate human rights. Nazi soldiers who served as guards at concentration camps were imprisoned and some were put to death for carrying out orders that resulted in the deaths of millions of Jews and other imprisoned people. Officials with the FBI, CIA, ICE, and Homeland Security could potentially be prosecuted in the same way if they carry out Punk’s orders. Better for them that they find jobs in the private sector rather than be found complicit with evil.
There is a lot of evil in this administration. Felonious Punk set us back 60 years yesterday when his orders rescinded the Civil Rights Act of 1965 and other long-standing civil rights protections. So far, only COSTCO is standing up and defying the administration. Publicly traded companies are running scared of potential legal costs if white, straight men start claiming that DEI or EEOC policies discriminate against them. You and I both know that such a claim is absolute bullshit, but the legal costs of being involved in such a suit could dramatically affect a company’s bottom line regardless of the outcome. The fact is that anyone who’s not a straight, white male is likely in for a rough time in the employment arena, especially if they work for a publicly traded company. The rights you thought you had have been eliminated.
Congress is complicit in this evil and they’re actively preparing to bring more hardship to your door. Republicans in the House are passing around a proposed list of ways to pay for the Punk’s tax cut and immigration crackdown. Click the link and you can read the whole thing for free. Some of the more aggregious items on the list include but are not limited to the following:
I’ll stop there because if I included everything on this list that’s alarming it would be over 100 points long. Read the whole thing, please. Descriptions of Republican’s reasoning for these actions are included with most of the items.
The Punk’s recent actions put almost everyone I know at some form of risk. The administration is hoping that you’ll just roll over and take it. I’m sure that a lot of people will. The truth is, we can and should fight back, loudly, ferociously, and using every option available to us. I don’t think we have time for suits to make their way through the court system, especially then the Punk is pushing the DOJ to support his policies. We have to take a more immediate and physical stand. Yes, that may put some of us at greater risk, but we’re already at severe risk just from all the bullshit that Punk has dumped on us this week. I’d rather go out fighting than whimpering in a ditch.
This is the battle against tyranny and fascism that your grandparents and great-grandparents fought in wars to avoid. They didn’t want you to be subject to this type of government. They believed that the United States is better than this. They would all be severely disappointed, if not downright angry, to see where we are now.
Scream. Shout. Disobey. Resist. Dissent. If a 14-year-old can do it, so can you.
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