Yeah, Still COVID.

There’s nothing new to say other than G is going to school today. Kat will be at the salon but wearing a mask. I’m sick of being sick. This is absolutely ridiculous. My head hurts. The coughing is incessant. Appetite: gone. Tipper is getting better. In fact, it’s difficult for me to keep her home the rest of the week, but that’s what we were told to do. I went to get up this morning and Hamilton tried lying on top of me so that I couldn’t. On average, I was only able to sit up about 45 minutes at a time yesterday, and that was pushing it. I can’t wait for this to go the fuck away.
The news is making me angry because everyone’s being so fucking stupid. Tensions rose sharply after Israel’s defense minister announced a “new phase” of the war and an apparent Israeli attack set off explosions in electronic devices in Lebanon. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. No one asked for that war to broaden. No one.
A California man is part of a wave of Orange Felon supporters who bombard the ex-president’s opponents with threatening messages worded carefully to avoid arrest. As fears of violence rise ahead of the election, has he crossed a line? Fuck yes! There’s no room for crying when someone gets fed up and puts an end to these little charades by eliminating the creators. Fucking idiots.
Marion County Prosecutor Ryan Mears has filed criminal charges against nine students in just the past two weeks for separate threats at schools across Indianapolis. This is a nationwide problem and I fail to understand why we’re having so much trouble addressing it. Parents, this is a YOU issue at the core. Take the fucking phones away if you need to. One sheriff is posting pictures and videos online. This nonsense has got to stop. But then, look back at the paragraph above this one. Monkey see, monkey do?
111 Former G.O.P. Officials Back Harris, Calling The Orange Felon ‘Unfit to Serve’, but if they’re former officials, does that endorsement carry any actual weight? This race is too fucking close and it’s going to come down to who can get the most people out to vote on November 5.
Nine people have been charged after last weekend’s street takeovers, but the charges are mostly misdemeanors and none of those involved are likely to see any severe jail time. This is a case where the law is insufficient to adequately address the crime. I guess we’ll have to wait until someone ends up dead for anything substantive to happen.
The only good news I’m seeing is that we might get some rain and cooler temps toward the first of next week. Today’s high is going to be back up to 90, though. Even the dogs don’t want to put up with that kind of bullshit.
You know what sounds good right now? A giant-sized Milky Way bar. Do you understand just how much I do not need that? But nothing else sounds even remotely interesting.
Sol says it’s time to take the dogs out because they’re being annoying. He actually stopped me from trying to call Hamilton onto the bed last night. Talk about a cat with attitude.
At least tomorrow’s Friday. This is being the longest fucking week.
Morning Update: 09/20/24
Waiting For This To End
Somehow, I managed to have the best night’s sleep in quite a while. The rest was solid. Dreams were happy and idyllic. The pets snuggled nicely. I’m almost in a good mood. If only I could breathe. I’m still feeling like my head is full of cotton and a couple of cinder blocks are sitting on my chest. This is day six of this stupid disease. I want to be young and bouncing back like everyone else. I’m not. I’m old and my body had no immunity going into the situation. So, bonus points for, so far, managing to stay out of the hospital.
I’ve sat here long enough, reading through the news, and I’m already feeling exhausted. I’m going to toss some headlines at you with maybe a comment, maybe not. You’ll need to read the articles for yourself, please (yes, I know whether you do or not).
The Orange Felon vows to be ‘best friend’ to Jewish Americans, as allegations of ally’s antisemitism surface, which is kind of odd when he also said Jews will be partly to blame if he loses election. Why is he talking in circles yet again? The Republican Governor Candidate in North Carolina called himself ‘Black Nazi’ on Porn Site, according to CNN. This is a mess and it’s hitting at just the wrong time. The Jewish population doesn’t exactly need these idiots taking their side. They have enough trouble as it is.
Why? Thousands of exploding devices in Lebanon trigger a nation that has been on edge for years. Even device makers are a little stumped as to how Israel pulled this off, and it’s frightening a lot of people on both sides of the war. Overnight, Israel and Hezbollah traded fire after heaviest airstrikes yet, which pretty much brings Lebanon kicking and screaming into a war they didn’t want. After two days of exploding pagers and walkie-talkies, Beirut was a city on edge, with people worried there were bombs in their bags or pockets. What is concerning security officials everywhere is talk of retaliation. Hezbollah is a significantly large, better-financed organization than Hamas. Be scared.
Civil rights groups call on major corporations to stick with DEI programs. This is totally political and corporate bosses need to evaluate which side of the coin they’re going to embrace. Getting it wrong will prove costly.
Police fatally shot a blasphemy suspect in Pakistan in 2nd such killing in a week. This is what happens when religion is allowed to have governmental control. Be aware.
Hmmm … this is interesting. Huge Australian king penguin chick Pesto grows into social media star. He’s 22 kilograms at only nine moths old, which may be some kind of record. What makes it interesting was that the new DC Comics short series, Penguin, debuted on MAX last night. Go ahead. Look at the pictures. Tell me you don’t see a resemblance.
We could be in for a noisy weekend around the house as today begins practice sessions and a couple of short races in preparation for Sunday’s “Battle On The Bricks” road course race. This is a six-hour race to see who can go the longest without having to pee, or something like that. Races like this are especially attractive to those Dads who think it shouldn’t be a problem to drive 18 hours from Indy to Orlando without a pit stop.
What could spoil all the “fun” at IMS is the weather, though. We’ve got a couple of cold fronts moving across the state this weekend. The stronger of the two should hit us Sunday morning and with that could come as much as half-an-inch of rain along with cooler temperatures. While road course races don’t use the same tires as those on the oval, the rain would still impact the race and could even cause some delays. Maybe it’s just better to stay home and watch football. Near a bathroom. Pee when you want.
Me, I’ll just be here trying to survive. The pets and I have settled into a new routine where we rotate who’s sleeping on which side of the bed. The only problem is that Queen Bit insists on sleeping dead in the center and she’s kinda ferocious when bothered.
You have a good weekend and we’ll tread carefully.
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