“You know what, Courtney? I don’t really know what “Gold Dust Woman” is about. I know there was cocaine there and that I fancied it gold dust, somehow. I’m going to have to go back to my journals and see if I can pull something out about “Gold Dust Woman”. Because I don’t really know. It’s weird that I’m not quite sure. It can’t be all about cocaine.” Â (Stevie Nicks interview with Courtney Love for Spin in October 1997)
[one_half padding=”4px 8px 0 4px”]Actually, Stevie, it probably is all about cocaine, either directly or indirectly. Coke is one of those drugs that takes over the mind after a certain point, distorting logic and reason and even turning the most creative thoughts into nonsense. This isn’t one of those songs where one can take a hit, lean back, and suddenly be thinking, “Okay, I get it now; that’s really deep.” Instead, one ends up grasping for the obvious, that the song is about love and someone (or something) that broke your heart, didn’t quite turn out to be who/what one had hoped. No, that doesn’t describe cocaine at all. Noooo. [/end sarcasm]
Gold Dust Woman is one of those songs that gets stuck in the back of your mind and you’ll suddenly find yourself humming it in the middle of the afternoon without realizing or even knowing for sure how it got there. Fleetwood Mac released the song as B-side filler and, as so often happens, it took hold and ended up selling decently on its own. While never getting higher than number 30 on the Billboard charts, it was enough to cement its place in the minds of an entire generation that, go ahead and admit it folks, at the very least dabbled in recreational drugs. Not everyone developed a dependency issue, but we have this song as one of the side effects that won’t go away and we’re okay with that. It’s a cool song.
This is the one time this week where the photo was actually taken to go with the song. Danelle French developed the concept for a Girls Of Rock series but because of schedules and weather this was the only song we did for the concept. We did three editorial looks on the theme, one of which I used as a Photo Of The Day earlier this year, and the team did well enough composing the looks that it is impossible to decide which one best fits. This particular image, though, is my favorite of the set. The dress has an inherent sense of motion and Jenn’s pouty look, like the song, could be love, could be the coffee, or maybe is just damn good posing. The photo fits the music and, like the song, stays stuck in the back of my head, resurfacing at the oddest times.[/one_half]
[one_half_last padding=”4px 4px 0 8px”]Even though this is one of Stevie Nick’s most popular songs, it’s one of those where no one is quite sure of the lyrics until they get to the chorus, which may arguably be the strongest part of the song:
Did she make you cry
Make you break down
Shatter your illusions of love
Is it over now — do you know how
Pickup the pieces and go home.
It is that last part of the song, the line about picking up the pieces and going home, that may resonate the most because we’ve all been there in some fashion. Not everything turns out the way we want or the way we expect. Illusions are shattered. We pick up the pieces, retreat to a place of safety, and try again another day. Even when one is high that line is still good advice.
Drug Policy Fails Again
Caffeine. The gateway drug. —Eddie Vedder
We’ve known for some time that our nation’s drug policy is out of whack, but now we see other negative aspects affecting a broader range
I should probably clarify, since this article is likely to catch the attention of someone somewhere in the bowels of law enforcement:  Neither of the pictures shown here depicts a person smoking any illegal substance. I do not have such a photograph anywhere in my catalog. While I’ve known, and continue to be closely acquainted with, a large number of people who do engage in the use of inappropriately controlled substances, I am too keenly aware of colleagues who have photographed such only to have members of law enforcement come along and confiscate all their equipment and computers as “evidence.” While such contrived bullying is remedied in court, I can do without the disruption.
That being said, imagine a world where no creative person ever consumed any form of drug. Music from the 50s onward would be dreadful. Art from at least the 18th century forward would be flat and meaningless. Literature is a little more difficult to track, but certainly from the 1930s and beyond drugs participated heavily in the creative process. Drug use among creatives spans centuries, not decades, and one can make a reasonably accurate argument that much of what we know as fine arts would either not have existed at all or, at the very least, would not have been of equal quality were it not for the influence of various substances along the way.
One might think that our nation’s brief period of alcohol prohibition, from 1920-1933, would have taught us that outlawing popular mood and personality altering substances doesn’t work. Everyone gave it a valiant try, but it failed. The difference between then and now is that, upon recognizing the failure, the law was not merely changed, but the entire Constitution re-amended. For some reason, however, our current crop of politicians have yet to learn that lesson, even though reversing the failed drug policies of today would be much more simple.
As a result, the New York Times reports this morning that mandatory drug-testing is making it difficult to find employees. One employer recounted an instance where hundreds of people were attending a job fair the company was holding. When the company announced that all new hires would have to pass a drug screen, over half left. Mind you, that doesn’t mean they couldn’t have passed the piss test. Of the 9.1 million employment mandated drug tests administered in 2014, only 0.38 percent came back positive, the greater majority of those being for casual marijuana use. Drug testing does not increase productivity or make people more creative. If anything, workplace drug tests are a complete waste of both time and money.
What is mystifying is that while none of this is new information, we still have not done anything on a federal level to solve the problem.
Okay, I’ll admit, the past 12 years the U.S. Congress has failed to solve any problems, so we already know where a great deal of the bottleneck is.
Still, given the travesty of marijuana-based mass incarceration, and the numerous studies showing that marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol,  one would think that we would have more than two states who have completely legalized the drug, and more that would have adopted a more sensible approach to other drug use. Can someone explain to me why we’re still putting up with this bullshit?
I could post pages upon pages of facts and figures regarding the failure of our current drug policy, but what has to happen is for people to get behind a sensible replacement; something that would address legitimate problems without making criminals of a third of the population (higher if you’re black or Hispanic). Here’s what a reasonable drug policy needs:
There is no excuse for us continuing to support such an obviously failed prohibition policy. Change only happens if we make it happen. Tell your legislator now. We need a better drug policy.
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