The phone just dinged with an interesting alert: I used my phone one hour and one minute less this week than the week before. That seems odd since I had to use it quite a bit during Thursday’s adventures. But then, outside of Thursday, there hasn’t been much going on except watching wildflowers and clover growing in the yard. The news is frustratingly redundant: war, protests, courtroom tactics, political crimes. After you’ve read it the first time, you don’t need to go back, do you?
I also think I need to share less about how I’m feeling. The things I say can too easily be used against me. And based on the site’s stats, people are much more interested in the pictures, anyway. So, I’ll just be quiet about things that only matter to me.
The latest update to AI on Photoshop screwed up. Everything added via an AI prompt is blown out, often to the point of being unrecoverable. The results have been nowhere near as colorful and interesting. Finer details such as drop shadows from added elements are missing completely. There are other options, but they take a lot more time.
Warmer weather means more time outside with the dogs. I think we spent close to three hours outside yesterday. They had fun barking at everything that moved. I’m damn sure going to miss them when I leave.
That’s assuming I can find a place at all. I’ve been nothing but frustrated. Social Security isn’t enough to cover rent, bills, or food. I’m increasingly getting the feeling that the universe wants me to disappear simply.
Here’s a picture of clover before we mow this morning.
Morning Update: 04/29/24
Yesterday was perfect weather to get out and do something fun. So, what did we do? We mowed. I started about 9:30 and took care of the grass outside the fence. The kids “took over” for a while, and then four hours later I finished up. Four hours. Have you seen our lawn? It’s not that large. Sigh.
We would have done better going to a park, but that whole transportation thing…
My goal today is to be a pain in the ass of every property manager in town until I find a place that provides what little I need at a price I can afford. Yeah, I know, I’ll be asleep again by 10. But one at least needs a goal, right?
I mowed yesterday. I’m thinking now that was a stupid idea.
About this morning’s picture: Leohna was just over a year old, if I remember correctly. We were at a park and took a bunch of pictures of her playing on the swings and stuff, but it was this picture that stole my heart. While I was talking with her parents, Leohna started going through my camera bag. The face she made when she found the tea lights was just too adorable. I had a chance to reconnect with her mom last week. This baby girl is now taller than her mom and helping care for her three younger siblings. The time just passes too quickly.
Here we are at the end of April. That means the noise from our friends “next door” will start getting loud again. The RV lot on Georgetown is completely full and has been for a week. This year may actually be interesting. Penske‘s been in hot water with IRL recently as have a couple of 500 winners over how some new rules are translated. IRL‘s shot themselves in the foot before. Maybe they just like hobbling. At least IndyCar is banning political messaging from the cars. Both RFK, Jr. and the indicted one had made sponsorship requests. IndyCar said, “Nope.”
Stop and think about it: IndyCar is full of international drivers. Brazilian drivers have won the race how many times? To have cars sponsored by idiots who are on the wrong side of immigration issues would be a conflict of interest. And then, there’s always the chance of counter-messaging if the sponsored car were to crash and burn. Don’t worry, I’m sure there’ll be plenty of flags among the nutjobs out in the North 40. There always are.
So many silly thoughts running through my head this morning. Who knows what the day may yield?
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