Here it is the 29th of May and I’m reaching for a jacket as I take the dogs out. The temperature outside is 55 degrees after a surprisingly powerful storm moved through the area around 10:00 last night. I had been watching the system on radar all day but thought it might well miss us completely. After all, it wasn’t that big and for the most part appeared to be nothing more than a decent rain shower. It was moving quickly enough that I wasn’t worried. I should have zoomed in and taken a closer look. The rain arrived with a force heavy enough to limit visibility to about 25 feet. Wind caused the roof of the carport to sound as though it might come off. Then came the hail; small enough to not be an issue, but loud enough to send Hamilton looking for the protection of a blanket.
This cool front has been nice, though. We went hiking/walking at the park yesterday and after three miles I’d yet to work up a decent sweat. Of course, any perspiration I produce tends to be from humidity, not extreme effort. Tipper and I were walking the perimeter of the park while Kat and G were off on a more challenging trail. They finished their trail and were back to the car before Tipper and I were halfway around the park. Setting speed records was not something to which we aspire. We finished up with a buffalo chicken salad that Kat made for us.
There was a bit of pseudo-drama as one of our younger neighbors was arrested yesterday afternoon. Exactly what the charge(s) might be, I can’t say. She was heard telling officers “I didn’t have a knife,” which may refer to an altercation a couple of weeks ago that saw her ex-boyfriend arrested. All her protesting was to no avail, though, and after roughly 30 minutes of them all standing outside listening to her rebuttal of the charges, while handcuffed, she was taken away. A female roommate called the woman’s mother who showed up, said something I couldn’t hear to the cops, and then called former roommates/boyfriends to “come get your shit because ain’t no one coming in after I lock the front door.”
Yeah, we have really classy neighbors.
Yesterday still felt a lot like a holiday so I was caught off guard when I got a note from my endocrinologist. After considering the up-and-down of my sugar levels this past week, she wants me to try doubling the med, one in the morning, and one at night. There’s a risk here, though. As we’ve seen already, there are times when the meds can drop my sugar momentarily by over 100 points. This can be a bit dangerous. So, I’m not going anywhere today, and possibly not tomorrow, without taking someone with me. We’ll see how everything goes.
A notification came this morning that there are changes coming to my health insurance by July 1, but the letter is extremely confusing. I’m going to need some help making any sense of it. The bottom line is that as long as the chemo is covered, I’ll survive. There are other considerations, though, and I don’t want to make anything worse while trying to make things better. I’m hoping Kat can help translate the letter.
I’m tired. I need to eat. Maybe I’ll do something with pictures later. We’ll see.
Morning Update: 05/30/24
No worries, I’m fine. No severe sugar drop. The doctor has revised the prescription a little bit so that hopefully those wild ups and downs won’t occur. Even last night’s after-dinner measurement was a reasonable 135, which is still high but only by about 15 points. We’ll get there and get things back to normal soon enough, I’m sure.
I’m still pissed about all the censorship going on around town. You’ll find my latest opinion in last night’s post. I seriously fail to understand why anyone would think that it’s their job, their responsibility, or even any of their fucking business to police what consenting adults do, anywhere, any time, for any reason. They don’t seem to mind ruining people’s lives, jeopardizing their jobs, threatening relationships, and denying basic human dignity. Then, they want to run and hide behind some form of religious mythology that, by any reasonable account, is a piece of trash.
Oh, that reminds me, those bastions of ministerial abuse, the Southern Baptist Convention, has their annual convention in Indy again, June 9-12. This is at least the third time in the past 20 years that they’ve brought their special brand of bigotry, hate-filled love, self-righteousness, pretentiousness, and really bad tipping to the Circle City. There is no upside to them being here. Businesses don’t profit because these tightwads don’t buy much and complain about it when they do. And you want to know what’s high on their agenda? Whether or not they want to acknowledge all the fucking abuse committed by Southern Baptist ministers. Just yesterday, Nashville’s paper of record, The Tennessean, published a second article on their attempt to deny what’s happening, “Second SBC pastor implicated in ‘conspiracy’ to destroy evidence in federal abuse inquiry.” That’s how hard these fools are trying to cover their tracks. Dear Indianapolis Convention & Tourism: Please do not invite these religious terrorists back to our city ever again. We don’t need to be assaulted by people who apparently believe that spreading their seed is sharing love. Gag. We have enough trouble downtown without inviting a bunch of serial rapists.
We’re still getting unseasonably cool weather and, for the moment, it appears that there’s no rain coming at us until Saturday. I’m watching a slow-moving system coming across the plains, but there doesn’t seem to be enough activity in the jet stream for it to show up here with a lot of power. Maybe we can get the lawn mowed tomorrow.
I slept like crap last night, though. There’s a lot of pain in my wrists and arms, presumably from the fall earlier this week. So, there is definitely a need for naps today.
And, uhm, Google? No, I don’t need any help writing, thank you. It’s one of the few things I do well. STOP ASKING.
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