There’s not a lot of time to type this morning as I have plans for the day. I’m not going to reveal those plans just yet because I’m not sure myself exactly how they might develop, but there are plans and I will be ready. I will be leaving town for the first time in a couple of years. There could be pictures involved. It might rain. Actually, I don’t have a lot of confidence in some of the weather forecasts I’ve seen. I think the bulk of the rain is going to our South. Rain or not, I’m escaping from my cage.
Knowing that I wasn’t going to be here today, I’ve already set you up with things to look at. If you didn’t read it yesterday, Is The U.S. Siding With The Enemy? takes an uncomfortable look at a few of the ways the US, both through publicly-owned companies and official government policy, is getting disturbingly comfortable with our enemies. Then, there’s Sunflower Stains in the Sun, a fun AI revision of a photo set we did back in 2011 that didn’t end quite the way we expected. You also have The Naked Spy Who Saved The World in case you’ve not seen that set yet. Topping things off, for those of you who are bored easily, I’ll be adding a video of Neil deGrasse Tyson and Richard Dawkins as they discuss Science, Religion, and Evolution. All of that together should keep you occupied for much of the day.
A couple of minor local things worth mentioning. The construction crew working on the new house next door (replacing the one that burned down a year and a half ago), got most of the framing done yesterday despite Hamilton’s attempts to get them to stop working and play with him. That is a good thing.
Then, some of you may remember me complaining a couple of years ago about the neighbors across the street having blown up $100+ of fireworks, leaving the street in front of the house a mess. That was one big box of fireworks. Yesterday, they unloaded four even larger boxes of fireworks. I don’t know when they plan to start setting them all off, but it’s going to be a miserable time for the dogs and I won’t be surprised if Kat up and leaves the state until they’re done. That’s not a good thing.
Me? I’m just ignoring everything because there are things I either want or need to do regardless of what pain I’m feeling where. I may be glued to the bed afterward, but it’s worth that eventual consequence to get out and enjoy life a bit now.
Someone has been using a reverse image lookup site to scope out this website for the past few days. I don’t know who you are or what it is you’re trying to find, but know that there are no full sets on here taken prior to October 2015 because of a complete server loss. We’re also missing several sets taken from 2020-2022 because of changes in the software. If we’re failing to sufficiently offend you, let me know and we’ll try harder.
I’m going to eat and then take a shower now. I know it makes you anxious wandering the internet on your own, but you can do it. I’ve left you plenty to do. Be brave. Keep the back door locked. Let the dogs out occasionally. You can do this. I believe in you.
Morning Update: 06/27/24
You can all wake up now! I’m back home, safe and somewhat rested. Yesterday, my dear friend Jennifer and her daughter Ali picked me up from my whining existence and whisked me away to Indiana Dunes National Park where we took pictures of birds, spiders, lizards, and a whole bunch of seagulls! It was a long day driving up there and back, walking through all the sand in moderate heat but oppressive humidity, but it was still a lot of fun. I’ll share my pictures as soon as I can buy a new card reader because I forgot that the one I’d been using is on the other computer.
Yeah, I’m still waiting on that new debit card. I have the PIN. That arrived in yesterday’s mail. But the card itself has yet to make an appearance. We’re hoping that it shows up today because the list of things we’re needing is beginning to breach the limits of the funds I have left for the month, and we’re still two weeks away from the next check.
I noticed that not many people availed themselves of the video treat we left for you yesterday. I kind of understand, given the video’s length. An hour can be a long time. I still hope that more of you will take a look and listen carefully to what they have to say. They really are more intelligent than you and I.
Not everyone is more intelligent, though. They might like to think they are, but their actions tend to prove them wrong. At the top of that list this morning is the Bimbo Bakeries of America. You see, Bimbo, which is a Mexico City-headquartered company, has bakeries all over the place. You may know them for brands such as Sara Lee and Entemann’s. When one has so many locations and product parts may move from one plant to another, cross-contamination becomes an issue that is difficult to manage, especially regarding potential allergens. After the FDA increased the number of potential allergens that have to be listed on wrappers, the folks at Bimbo decided, “Fuck it, we’ll just list the allergens anyway, even if they don’t exist, just to cover ourselves.” Yeah, that strategy doesn’t fly. The FDA has now warned Bimbo to stop listing food allergens that don’t exist. Strong fines come next if the bakery company doesn’t comply. Meanwhile, watch what you’re putting in your mouth.
And as if the summer heat wasn’t troubling enough, over 60 ice cream products have been recalled due to a potential listeria problem. The biggest brand name on the list is Hershey, but it doesn’t apply to all Hershey ice cream products. Click the link to see the full list of affected products.
As we were traveling between Indiana Dunes National Park and Indiana Dunes State Park, which are two separate but connected parts of the same Lake Michigan coastline, we passed through the town of Portage, IN. Why is that worth mentioning? Because yesterday, your Supreme Court decided that federal corruption laws don’t apply in Portage and that it’s perfectly okay that Portage’s former mayor profited personally from city contracts given to a trucking company. Not surprisingly, the 6-3 decision was dominated by conservative justices with the decision written by “it’s not fair” Associate Justice Brett Cavanaugh. Interesting how justice and the Supreme Court rarely go hand-in-hand.
Interestingly connected, though, 7 in 10 Americans think Supreme Court justices put ideology over impartiality according to an AP-NORC poll. They’re probably not wrong. Even the nation’s highest court is a product of its environment. We probably need to consider how justices are appointed, but we both know that both parties are too power-hungry for that to happen in our lifetimes.
We had stopped on our way home for a quick bite to eat when Jenn got an alert on her phone saying that the voice actor who speaks for Marge Simpson had died. We both immediately thought that the article referred to Julie Kavner, who does the voice for the original show. Turns out, it was Nancy MacKenzie, who voiced the same role for Latin American versions of the program who passed. It was an honest mistake. There were several headlines that simply read, “Marge Simpson voice actor dies.” The error did raise an interesting question, though. When a voice actor dies, do producers re-cast the role, kill off the character, or use AI to continue using the same voice? We see some ethics issues at play there, but we aren’t sure what all the legalities might entail.
I’m not sure what might happen with the rest of the day. I know the rest of the lawn needs to be mowed but we have a heavy dew this morning. The question there becomes can the kids be motivated to get the job done before it gets too warm? I’m not sure. I may need to go back to bed. That involves getting the dogs to scoot over, though, and I’m not sure I have the energy.
I will say that life is much better when we spend the time with friends. Thanks, Jenn, for including me in yesterday’s trip!
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