Morning Update: 08/24/24

Friday was a better day, healthwise, than was Thursday, but my stomach was still a bit tentative so we were careful and stayed close to the bed to be safe. The animals certainly don’t seem to mind and I suppose it does a good job of keeping me out of trouble. I’m having more trouble maintaining a sense of time and place, though. Most frequently, I forget what day it is and have to consult my watch or my phone to keep me somewhat grounded. Even this morning, I first woke thinking it was Friday, not Saturday. I don’t think I was the only one, though, as both of the kids were up shortly after me.
Perhaps it’s just a sign of age, but I’m concerned about how rapidly friends are being diagnosed with cancer. Another friend revealed yesterday that he has stage-3 colorectal cancer. He’ll start five weeks of radiation soon. The husband of another friend was recently diagnosed as well. He’s looking at five-and-a-half weeks of radiation. Perhaps we’re paying for all the red meat we’ve eaten, the lifestyles we’ve lived, or other not-so-wise choices we’ve made. Maybe the natural course of being human has us caught in the cancer web. As I prepare for another colonoscopy this week, I find that I’m hoping all the chemo I’ve been taking has kept anything from growing anywhere else. I’m not sure chemo works that way, but until someone tells me differently, I’ll hope.
There’s a lot on the docket today. First up is the lawn. No one gets out of helping. Everything has to look neat and clean by Monday. That work will necessitate an overdue shower, which I’m rather eagerly anticipating. Depending on how schedules work out, I’m going to enjoy the first Saturday of college football and watch at least part of the Akron-Ohio State game. Finally, I hope to spend some time with a dear friend who’s facing a double mastectomy on Monday. That sounds like a lot when I list it, but trust me, I’ll be sure to get my naps in.
One of the things I look for when going over the morning news is what events are most likely to affect me or those I care about. Lately, every time I see the word Oklahoma in a headline, my heart sinks. I grew up in Oklahoma. I still have many friends there. This morning, it popped up in the AP feed twice. The first story is how Oklahoma classrooms seem to be ignoring the State Superintendent’s order to teach the Bible in all classes. School districts have been offered guidance from law firms that represent them, the state’s Attorney General, and the state’s largest teachers union, the Oklahoma Education Association, that the superintendent doesn’t have the unilateral authority to issue such a requirement and that the edict is unenforceable.
At the same time, though, an Oklahoma teacher lost her license to teach after giving her students the QR code to the Brooklyn library as a source for reading banned books. The firing was more performance on the part of the state board of education. The teacher involved now works for that same Brooklyn library in New York, so revoking her license to teach is mere pettiness, which the state’s superintendent is good at. What’s sad in all this is that students are the ones losing. Oklahoma education is near the bottom of the country now. It didn’t use to be that way. When we graduated 45 years ago, being from Oklahoma was a source of pride. Now, it’s a liability.
I did get a little excited when Nestle, one of the biggest food companies in the world, unceremoniously dumped Mark Schneider as its CEO yesterday. Schneider has been vicious in raising the cost of food since the COVID-19 pandemic, but that hasn’t been enough to satisfy greedy board members. Mind you, don’t look for any prices to drop voluntarily. Nestle is bound and determined to squeeze every cent out of every resource they can find. They are one of the primary reasons Kamala Harris is targeting price gouging in her campaign. Anything bad that happens at Nestle makes me happy.
Space is in the news a couple of times this morning. NASA will announce today whether the Boeing capsule is safe enough to bring its astronauts back home, or if they’re stuck up there until next year. I can only imagine how nerve-wracking this ordeal has been for the two astronauts and their families. The first private spacewalk is on the schedule for next week as SpaceX is sending up a new crew with new technology. There’s definitely reason to be concerned for their safety. In addition to new “slim” spacesuits, there’s no freaking airlock on this spaceship. The fact that one of the “astronauts” is a billionaire probably doesn’t bode well for the crew, either, as the universe seems to have a habit of slapping their egos back into place when they do something stupid. Let’s hope this doesn’t end in tragedy.
The sadistic side of me is laughing at a story in this morning’s New York Times. It seems that as women continue to make great strides, now earning more college degrees and being the breadwinners for their families, Many Gen Z men feel left behind. Actually, it’s pretty much those young men without college degrees who are complaining. They feel that the economic odds are stacked against them. As a result, they’re turning to the excuse-maker-in-chief, the Orange Felon, as their hope for the future. They want a more “traditional” patriarchy, with all the misogyny and sexism that their grandfathers exploited. Perhaps you can understand why I’d just as soon give the bunch of them a middle-finger salute.
Okay, there’s too much to do today for me to continue sitting here. There’s still plenty to read this weekend, so enjoy the time where you can!
Friday Morning Update: 11/08/24
A solid night’s sleep hasn’t been possible since Tuesday and I’m sure I’m not alone. Regardless of what time I go to bed, or what tools I use to help me sleep, I wake up from dystopian dreams somewhere between 12 and 12:30. I’m usually able to go back to sleep after getting my bearings and realizing where I am. But then, I wake up somewhere around 3:00, again from disturbing visions of the future, and that’s it. I’m awake for the morning. Too many of you are right there with me. Too many of you aren’t sleeping at all.
Kat worked at the salon for a while yesterday. She only took two clients, finishing up around 8:00 PM. She was exhausted and couldn’t get to bed fast enough. G has a business shadow day this morning after which he’ll go to the salon and help out his mom with some of the details around the shop. I’m still concerned that she’s moving too quickly, though I understand why she’s pushing herself. She feels the weight of the world is on her shoulders. She always has. She desperately needs some of that weight removed without threatening the health and safety of everyone in the family.
I did make a mistake last night. In the throws of exhaustion, I had dinner delivered. A part of that dinner included street corn and I have no idea what flavoring and/or spices were used in its preparation. The result was a colon cleanse so thorough that I could have had a colonoscopy this morning, no problem. The kids didn’t seem to have any problem with their food, so I assume the corn was the only issue.
Getting less sleep at night means I’m napping more during the day which means I’m getting less done. My head is already spinning as I type. I can’t go back to bed yet, though, as I’m having milk and cat food delivered this morning. I still have a handful of Tony’s pictures to finish as well. Maybe I’m not as ready for a comeback as I thought I was. Even when I took the dogs out yesterday, I had to sit in a chair the entire time instead of walking around the yard with them.
Like many of you, I worry that matters are going to get worse before they get better. Here are some of the stories I’m reading this morning:
Hold on, I’m not done yet. I’ve had plenty of time to read this morning.
Even the animals are upset. 43 monkeys escape from a South Carolina medical lab. The young female monkeys, all too young to have any disease, left after a door was suspiciously left open. While “There is almost no danger to the public,” according to officials, residents of the nearby town are still cautious, and not all the monkeys have been found. Something tells me the Rhesus macaque primates heard how bad healthcare for women is in the United States and are trying to ‘go back where they came from.’
Llamas in Utah are apparently trying to catch a train going anywhere but Utah. No one seems to know where they came from, where they’re going, or whether they’ve been captured. The domesticated animals obviously got news of the election results, though, and decided to make a break for it. When the animals start leaving, you have to wonder why so many humans are staying.
Midst all the fear on the part of friends and family, I am mystified why some progressives are still quoting “love one another” Bible verses on social media. Stop it. You’re not helping. You had a fucking year to use your comic book scripture to affect the election. What was the result? 8 in 10 of white evangelicals VOTED FOR THE RAPIST! Obviously, there’s no power at all in your Bible verses. Put the damn book back on the shelf and leave it alone. I can find quotes about other ancient mythologies that are more appropriate. Try this one on for size:
“But suddenly the world turned sideways. I realized I’d been played with. Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades had been set at each other’s throats by someone else…”
Rick Riordan, The Lightning Thief
Not good enough? Hmmmm, what else can I find quickly…
“When an impious band madly raged to extinguish the Roman name in the blood of Cæsar, the human race was astonished with sudden terror at ruin so universal, and the whole earth shook with horror.”
Ovid, Metamorphoses
And I haven’t even opened any of the volumes by Homer yet. Philosopher Northrop Frye wrote, “The disinterested imaginative core of mythology is what develops into literature, science, philosophy. Religion is applied mythology.” All the scripture verses in the world fail to capture any meaning because they are all, every last one of them, based on myth and a lack of understanding of modern science. Quoting them changes nothing and this election has certainly proven that to be true.
I also oppose the basic philosophy that love is a cure for the hate that fueled this election and its consequences. When the fuck has that ever worked? There were people who had the same ideas in Germany. By the way, today is the anniversary of Hitler’s failed 1923 ‘Beer Hall Putsch.” So, why didn’t love stop the bad man’s war then? Where was the love that could have stopped the murder of not only Jews but millions of others, including gays and anyone that we would now consider neurodivergent? Love doesn’t stop shit. The apologetics that comes with a “love everyone” attitude merely opens a door for hate and terror to come marching on in.
What I can promise you is that I will not be silent. When have I ever been quiet? I am gathering up all my energy to roar as loudly as this chemo-tortured body is able. Sure, at best we only have around 100 readers a day, and the greater majority of those are Facebook friends and acquaintances. Still, this is my voice and I will use it.
I can also promise to do my best to keep safe all those around me. So help me, if someone tells my daughter, “Your body, my choice,” I’m taking their fucking head off. If someone tells Kat that, be certain that she will take their head off. That statement is a blatant and intentional threat. I have zero tolerance for such threats. I will not hesitate to commit acts of violence if it will save the life and humanity of someone I care about. I may be small, but I have my mother’s temper and she managed to keep rowdy classes of fourth graders quiet. You don’t want to mess with that energy.
No, I don’t think we’re going to see any jackbooted thugs coming down our street. Instead, we’re going to see laws passed that quietly repeal one right after another. The Constitution will be gutted and the Supreme Court will be complicit. There will be no safe corner in the United States where we can peacefully live. We either fight or we die.
Which is it going to be?
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