Today is my birthday, Happy Birthday to ME! I see no reason to be quiet; I fought hard to get this far. Others did not make it. Some survived but not as well. Two years of chemo have slowed my pace and limited my actions, but I am still here. I am still fighting for my existence and that of the rest of the world. There is no reason to not rejoice, nor is there a reason for you to not join me. Grab a piece of pie and some coffee.
Fourteen years have passed since this day was so cold. This year, I am safe, warm, and loved. Whether I am well might be a matter of intense conversation but at this moment, I am surrounded by the animals that love me and trust me enough to sleep without worry. Children sleep in adjacent rooms, their only concern being that I not wake them before the sun rises. My mug is full of hot coffee. Choices for food are substantial. We are blessed with reasons to be happy and obligated by the universe to celebrate this trip around the sun.
Today, there will be music. Today, there will be laughter. Today, I set the course for the coming journey. I don’t worry about the weather for I have endured its trials before. Winds blow, rain and snow fall, and they let no one deter their path. Yet, there is no reason to be deterred. What has passed prepares us for what is to come. We move forward with determination and a smile, or at least a wry grin. There are still cards in my deck that I have not shown. I will not set my rudder to retreat.
Do not attempt to plant your flag on my soil for I am not defeated. I may not win on every battlefield, but you embarrass yourself if you think I am conquered. Plant your flags on your own houses so that we might know and avoid your foolishness. I am not obligated to tolerate willful ignorance. I am not subjugated by your loud rhetoric. There is no reason for me to listen to or be distracted by that which holds nothing good for humanity. Today, I refuse to accept the negative energy of contrary bigots and criminal apologists.
Not everyone gets the opportunities I am given. My privilege requires that stand for those who are injured by the stupidity and blindness of those who cannot see beyond the horizon of their own ignorance. Today has a history of taking a seat when told to stand, holding firm when told to move. The rights of humanity are not subject to political dogma or religious opinion. We walked with those different from us long before empty-minded leaders created the quarrel. Those who stand in the way of our progress are trampled under the boots of history.
Today, I read so that tomorrow I might speak. Today, I learn so that tomorrow I might teach. Yet, what shall I read and what shall I learn? Wisdom is found in the struggle of others for even death is not the victor that it claims to be. What if this is the last day I feel as good as I do now? Inevitably, there is someday in the future when I will not awaken. Yet, I do not let the fear of that day keep me from living this moment and doing with it what brings me joy and understanding. Today, I am in control of me. Today, I am powerful. Today, I am strong.
Perhaps, today, I will visit a bookstore. Perhaps, today, I will watch football. Perhaps, today, I will take a nap when I please. Perhaps, today, you will join me; if not here, then there. Participation options include but are not limited to Venmo: @C_I_Letbetter and CashApp: $ciletbetter. Or, perhaps, today, you will bring me coffee and a biscuit along with your smile. Bring the joy that lives inside you. Celebrate with me.
Today is MY birthday. Happy Birthday to me!