I felt nothing.
I have never been in the midst of so much noise, so much chaos, and felt absolutely nothing. More than once, fireworks quite literally went off at my feet, leaving my ears ringing for several minutes. Nothing.
Perhaps it’s because we’ve lost our independence, let our liberty be destroyed, and let our freedom become subjected by right-wing tyrants that, quite honestly, aren’t even close to any legitimate form of Christianity. We’ve played into their hands with our missive that everybody has a right to their opinion, but when someone’s opinion steps on my rights? No, sorry, you don’t have the right to do that.
No one has the right to take away a woman’s autonomy over her body.
No one has the right to take away a trans youth’s identity.
No one has the right to take away a gay individual’s personhood.
No one gets to deny scientific facts without other proven facts.
No one gets to claim immunity for crimes regardless of what their job is.
No one gets to lead while tearing others down.
So no, I don’t respect your opinion. When you’re wrong, you’re just plain wrong.
Be offended. I don’t care.