Fog covers the ground across the North 40 as fans are already anxiously arriving for Carb Day. We’re expecting perhaps a more rambunctious crowd this year than recent years have had. The neighborhood’s noise and traffic last night were ramped up and ready for action. Security has said they’re opening both sets of gates off 30th Street to ease the flow of traffic in/out of the North 40. Cars are already beginning to arrive but I don’t see any signs of severe delays just yet. The track should stay dry until after the concert with George Thorogood & The Destroyers. Click here for our post on parking etiquette.
G overslept and is missing the last day of school. He assures me that it’s no big deal, that nothing was planned for the day. He’s missed the bus so I guess he’s staying home and helping clean.
Tipper and I made another three-mile walk yesterday. These are taking about two hours, which is a bit slow, but at least we’re getting out and getting some exercise. I’m not sure we’ll go anywhere today, though. As rambunctious as last night was, I’m feeling the need to be a bit protective of the yard today.
My blood sugar was 368 an hour after eating last night. No, I don’t know why other than the fact that my pancreas is less than reliable now. Hopefully, I can get started on the new meds today. Numbers like that scare me. I’m anxious to see what my fasting number is this morning, but since dinner was so late last night I can’t check that until after 8:00 this morning. The fact that my pancreas is in danger of completely failing has me afraid to eat much of anything. Protein and fiber are the only things on the menu today.
There’s still some minor lawn work to do so I need to get my ass moving and get things done. Please, be safe.