Visual Edition

There are days when being up early has its disadvantages. For example, the windchill was -3 degrees this morning when I took the dogs out. I’m not sure today’s high of 20 degrees will feel much warmer, but I deeply dislike going outside when the air makes my face hurt. We’re in for a cold week for most of the Eastern US with more snow and ice coming in on top of what fell over the weekend. My mood this morning has me wanting to join the dogs, who are snoring away on the bed as if nothing in the world is wrong.
On Monday holidays like this one (Presidents’ Day in the US), there’s also a shortage of up-to-date news this early. There may be some updates later in the day, but most of what I’m seeing is a rehash of Friday and Saturday’s news. Sure, there’s stuff about the BAFTAs and last night’s SNL 50th Anniversary special. If one is looking for a distraction, those are your best bets. There’s a shortage of actual news this morning, though. Maybe we should be thankful for that.
Of course, there are the protests planned for today in every state capitol. These might have been big were the weather not such a chilling factor across much of the eastern half of the US. I know my immunity-deprived ass won’t be getting out. I think more people have been motivated to participate after Friday’s round of imbecilic actions, so I’m hopeful that my participation will not be missed.
There are some matters on video that might help this morning. Let’s start with today’s emergency EU summit on Ukraine.
Netanyahu threatening to broaden the war by ‘finishing the job’ against Iran is a bit disturbing.
A BBC newscast asks the question whether Felonious Punk and Putin together mark the start of a new world order (27 minutes, so settle in).
But news personality Marvin Kelb fears that the meeting between the two world leaders could be a disaster.
You can see where the emphasis and concern lie this morning. With all federal offices shut down and Punk on his way to Saudi Arabia to meet with Putin, I’m hopeful that this remains a quiet news day. Of course, there’s always editorial cartoons.

I think that’ll do for today. I’m sure we’ll have more about the whole Ukraine/Russia deal tomorrow. And who knows what kind of stupidity the folks in DC might attempt while they think no one is watching.
Personally, a nap is sounding better and better by the minute.