Sure, it’s supposed to be the Spring (Vernal) Equinox but does it feel like it? No, of course not. Even though the air temperature is 52 degrees Fahrenheit, the wind in Central Indiana is so strong that it stings. My eyes were watering just letting the dogs out for a moment. I can’t imagine even the hardiest of fae dancing around a fire in this weather. In fact, it’s really not safe to have an open flame with this wind. There will be other days for nudity and fire. This is one to stay inside wrapped in a blanket. The only fire should be in a fireplace with a big ol’ hound dog on the rug in front of it.
And what is an equinox? It’s when the hours of daylight and hours of night are twelve hours each. Kind of. Not really. Let Neil deGrasse Tyson explain: