Has it really been two years since I processed a new photo taken with a real camera? Yes, it has quite sadly been that long, and a lot has changed in the processing of those images. Still, despite the extra time, it was still quite delightful to have something in front of me that I hadn’t already processed two or three times before. This is the type of fun that could easily get addictive, you know. I might start trying to take this up as a profession… oh, wait, already did that, didn’t we?
I have to give a HUGE thanks to Jennifer Tuttle for inviting me along on the trip with her daughter Ali. I also have to thank her husband, Carl, for allowing me to use his Nikon D5600 and 200-500mm zoom lens. Not having shot a Nikon in over 20 years, it took a minute to figure out the controls, but everything seemed to work fairly well and there weren’t too many shots lost because of my fumbling. The biggest issue I had was that my hands shake so much more now, especially with the heavier glass. There were some potentially delightful pictures of a spider trapped in the sand but they were simply too blurred from all the shake.
I have saved a couple of shots back for use at some other time, but for the most part the pictures below are representative of almost everything we saw during the day. It was a thrilling adventure that beats the hell out of lying in bed all day because the damn weather won’t cooperate. I hope you enjoy the photos (and that this slider works on whatever device you’re using).