Happy Easter & Trans Day of Visibility

Yesterday was not a good brain day. I try to have one additional post every day so that you don’t look over at the list of recent posts and see a string of Morning Updates. That wasn’t possible yesterday. My brain could not complete something as simple as sharing a YouTube video. There was no solid cognition. I’d read something and the content would immediately be gone. I’d watch a video and have no idea what I’d just watched. I baked chicken drumsticks for dinner and forgot to add any seasoning (we still ate them). I forgot to put my phone on the charger before going to bed. The dogs did remind me to take them outside, so that was done, but I can’t claim any other completed objective for the day.
In fact, yesterday was such a bad-brain day that I almost considered running for president. 🤣
Today isn’t starting off much better, just in a different way. It’s raining. The arthritis pain kicked in a little after 4:00 this morning. My overall pain level is sitting at an eight. There are still meds I can’t take until after I’ve eaten breakfast, but it still doesn’t bode well for the day. My typing is slow. I guess it’s a good thing I don’t have to play for anyone’s Easter service, not that I’ve been asked any time in the past 20 years. My fingers object to every move, the pressing of each key. I can only imagine what it would feel like if I had to use Poppa’s old manual typewriter to create this post!
I still find it incredible that there are people so fucking stupid that they think the President had anything to do with setting Trans Day of Visibility on the same day as Easter. I’ll say it again: Trans Day of Visibility is static: March 31 every year. Easter moves around: the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox, because you need a little paganism in your religious holiday. No politics in any of it. Get off your fucking stupid hobby horse.
There are no Easter baskets in our house this year. The kids aren’t remotely interested. Kat did get them both a chocolate bunny, which they’ve already devoured, but it wasn’t out of any religious commemoration; the bunnies were on sale. Yes, they do make sugar-free Easter chocolate, but you have to order it directly from Russel Stover two weeks in advance and there’s no discount. Besides, Russel Stover’s sugar-free chocolate gives me the runs.
We also won’t be having any big Easter dinner. I’m not sure we ever have, though I can’t remember any past Easters with any level of detail. Kat’s with Brandon’s family and even if we had the money the kids aren’t interested in dining out. So, leftovers it is.
My hands want nothing more than to stay balled up into fists. We’ll see if I post anything else later. Thanks for reading.
Morning Update 03/20/24
Why do people try to be as loud as possible at the most inconvenient times of the day? Last night, the guy in the souped-up Dodge was doing donuts in the intersection next to the house. This morning, a guy in a modified pickup truck with a rusted-out bed made as much noise as he could as he raced toward the stop sign. At least he stopped but then resumed making more noise on up the street. I’ve never understood the fascination with noise. Show me stealth, make it down the street without waking the dogs, and I’ll be impressed.
Tipper is excited this morning because the feet to her furry shoes are coming today. We’re less than a month from her 14th birthday so she’s okay with these being a birthday present. Given the price, there wasn’t much other choice! She’s made as much of her furry costume as she can. The parts she can’t make are expensive!
G made jello before going to bed last night. We’re just now on day three of his two-week spring break and already he’s bored. I’m not sure how we’re going to keep him from turning the house upside down by next week. I love his energy, though, and wish I could borrow some. I’m having trouble staying under 16 hours of sleep per day.
I’m going to miss the kids coming in and chatting before and after school.
A new issue has popped up over the past two days and reoccurred again this morning: my eyes have been watering when I go outside. At first, I thought it was just the wind and the cold. That would make sense. But it happened again this morning with only a slight breeze and a comparatively balmy 42 degrees Fahrenheit. Is this a late-arriving chemo side effect or is something else going on? Trying to tell the difference is almost impossible. It feels like there’s something new every couple of days.
A friend mentioned that she was having a BLT for dinner last night and as I’m sitting here this morning, I think that would make a great breakfast. Unfortunately, we have none of the ingredients for making one. Not even the bread. Getting through the next month before my social security comes through is going to be difficult.
I have some questions for you this morning. Feel free to use the comment section to answer them.
Why does anyone care if another person has an OnlyFans page at this point? The site has been around long enough that no one should be shocked when someone uses the platform to generate some extra cash. If anything, when an employer finds out someone is making more money on OnlyFans than they are at their “normal” job, they should be embarrassed. There are too many people, especially teachers, who have to resort to second jobs to pay their bills and OnlyFans tends to be a good choice. Either let them be or pay them more money, asshole.
Do you know what “phubbing” is? It’s the “practice of ignoring one’s spouse or romantic partner to pay attention to one’s phone or other mobile device.” And apparently, according to some, it’s grounds for divorce. I’ll be honest, if you’re paying more attention to your phone than you are to the people you care most about, you have problems and I’m not sure it’s just the phone. I understand this especially applies to younger generations who can’t imagine life without a phone in their hand. Can we say “emotionally insecure?”
File under Bad Headlines: “2 ex-college Hockey Players ID’d as Victims of Murder-Suicide, Killer Was Dating One Of The Victims.” Go ahead, read that again. Mind-boggling, isn’t it? This comes from People magazine online. I almost want to ask the writer which victim the killer was dating. There are no copy editors anymore, so shit like this slips through all the time.
According to one questionable source, Hooter’s is now supposedly gay because Kristen Stewart was photographed visiting one. Uhm, hello? Lesbians are as much about boobs as teenage boys. Gay people of any gender have loved places that flaunt boobs. That doesn’t make Hooter’s or Twin Peaks or anywhere else gay. Gay people exist. Gay people love food. Gay people love boobs. How is that different from anyone else?
I have other questions as well but perhaps it’s best I save those for another time.
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