Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Buckle Up

Most days start out rather quiet and groggy. The kids don’t talk much and don’t make a lot of noise as they get ready for school. They’re teenagers. We don’t expect them to be off autopilot until later in the morning. Today was different, though. Tipper came across the guestlist for the Indiana Comic and Pop Culture Convention (ComiCon). She was excited by names she couldn’t even pronounce correctly: Brent Spinner, Jonathan Frakes, and “Willian Shanter, who’s that?” Yeah, Bill Shatner is going to be here. There appears to be a full-scale Power Rangers reunion happening and she’s especially excited about a host of anime voice actors she never expected would appear in the States. She’s so excited that not only did she nearly miss leaving for the bus, but she continued to text me all the way to school.
I love it. It’s great when kids have something to be excited about. I love seeing their faces light up and how animated they become when talking about something that is important to them. Dad just has to figure out a way to pay for her ticket. Hmmm…
Congress, on the other hand, is sidestepping not only paying for what people want but what they need. The near-party-line vote last night was close: 217-215. One Republican joined all the House Democrats in voting against the bill. THIS shows just how important down-ballot elections are. It’s not just who one votes for president, but who we elect as Congressional representatives. Honestly, some people are voting for imbeciles.
As we’ve seen over the past five weeks, just because Congress approves funding for something doesn’t mean that this White House will actually allow that funding to be administered without a fight. A judge has given the White House two days to release frozen funds for foreign aid. This is another potential setup for a constitutional crisis if the White House ignores the order. Never should approved funding be an issue. Once the budget is passed and signed, the funds must be distributed in the manner prescribed.
Of course, this budget has some pretty serious cutbacks and is going to affect a lot of people, especially those in poorer states in the South. You know, the people who voted for Felonious Punk in the first place. An $800 billion cut in healthcare spending, including Medicaid, is going to hit home fast. We’re left sitting here wondering if our medications will be remotely affordable if this bill makes it into law. I know many of my meds are incredibly expensive. If I hit the age of 65 this year and those meds are suddenly not covered, I won’t have enough income to pay for them. A lot of people my age are in the same boat.
Meanwhile, the rich get $45 trillion in tax breaks.
This whole administration is a nightmare. So much so that even DOGE troublemakers are quitting. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, perhaps the most stupid person to ever hold a congressional seat, is sitting there screaming that federal workers don’t deserve their paychecks. There are people within the administration who are actively trying to figure out a way to re-rig the Constitution so that this punk-ass president can run for a third term. At the same time, President Shitforbrains wants there to be a $5 million ‘gold card’ that people like Russian oligarchs can buy that would give them a straight path toward US citizenship. The goal is to bring more rich people into the US because that’s been going so well [/sarcasm].
The U.S. Supreme Court is set to consider on Wednesday an Ohio woman’s claim that she was denied a promotion and demoted because she is straight in a case that could make it easier for people from “majority backgrounds,” such as white or heterosexual people, to pursue workplace discrimination claims. Be sure that this is part of the continued assault on DEI programs. Any sane person wouldn’t have let this get past the first courtroom. That the case has made it all the way to SCOTUS shows just how broken we are as a society.
Consumer confidence is at a four-year low. As inflation continues to skyrocket, in NYC, 1 in 4 can’t afford the essentials. While that number is almost twice the national average, a 1 in 8 score isn’t really any better. People can’t buy food but SNAP benefits are being cut. Programs that help food pantries are being cut.
Air travel is in a shambles. Two significant near misses occurred yesterday as cuts to the FAA leave an already understaffed agency scrambling. And Muskrat wants the contract to fix FAA communications. This is not how a decent country operates. Government shouldn’t be enriching the richest man in the world by one cent. He’s already receiving $38 billion in government funding. If any program needs to be cut, it’s those enriching the Muskrat.
The Washington Post thinks that the resistance is beginning to wake in earnest. I suppose they could be right. There is definitely more anti-Punk activity taking place now than there was last week. Part of that is because of the time it takes to put together and file a lawsuit against any portion of the government. Another reason is that the volume of nonsense is so great that people who normally would sit on the sidelines are forced into battle to save themselves.
Wandering around online, one is likely to come across arguments that one-day boycotts, such as the one scheduled for this Friday, have little effect on businesses, especially when they know it’s coming. There is some truth to that perspective. Detractors will welcome the chance to shop without fewer people in the aisles. The shopping boycott is known well enough that managers have had time to adjust employee scheduling and take additional cost-saving measures. The pain they feel won’t be too severe.
Don’t think for a second that they won’t notice, though. They’ll see the numbers drop and that lets companies know how large a resistance their facing. They’ll begin to factor in the possibility of a longer-term boycott, one in which people buy nothing but absolute essentials. Large participation numbers will bring a level of fear into the conversation.
We have to flex our economic muscles where we can. I know there is talk of work outages and if people can be involved in that the impact on companies could be more severe than a shopping boycott. I’m concerned that too many people live on razor-thin budgets for the masses to participate. Staying home from work requires a position of privilege that most of us don’t have.
Still, every step, and every word of resistance has an effect. We can’t, for a moment, let the administration think that they’ve won. We have to fight. We have to go to battle in ways that are well outside our comfort zone. We may have to go so far as engaging in acts of violence.
Whatever it takes, we must act to save our country from the hands of oligarchs and the economically insane.
Saturday, March 1, 2025
US Becomes The Bad Guys
By now, you’ve seen the video, perhaps read the transcript, and heard different opinions. Yesterday’s argument between Ukraine’s President Zelensky and US President Shitforbrains, accompanied by VP Fuxacouch, was an unparalleled disaster the likes of which the US has never seen. Equally disturbing is the number of Republicans who somehow think that yesterday’s debacle was a good thing. Can someone please explain to me why no one is setting up guillotines on the White House lawn this morning?
Responses from Democrats is, predictably, in support of Ukraine. Here’s a few quotes via AP:
“Trump and Vance are doing Putin’s dirty work. Senate Democrats will never stop fighting for freedom and democracy.”
“Today’s White House meeting with the President of Ukraine was appalling and will only serve to further embolden Vladimir Putin, a brutal dictator. The United States must not reward Russian aggression and continue to appease Putin.”
“My strong and passionate hope is that the talks can be resumed or restored, and this event won’t derail continued support.”
“I have very strong hopes that the coalition we have in Congress — and it is a very strong bipartisan coalition — will be persuasive to the administration and others that we have a long-term national security interest in Ukraine prevailing over Putin’s brazen aggression.”
“Answer to Vance: Zelenskyy has thanked our country over and over again both privately and publicly. And our country thanks HIM and the Ukrainian patriots who have stood up to a dictator, buried their own & stopped Putin from marching right into the rest of Europe. Shame on you.”
SEN. CHRIS MURPHY, Connecticut:
“It was a planned ambush designed to embarrass President Zelenskyy in order to benefit Vladimir Putin. That was an embarrassment. That was an abomination. What you watched was American power being destroyed in the world as everybody watches President Trump become a lapdog for a brutal dictator in Moscow.”
If you’re not embarrassed to be an American this morning, I’m going to assume that you are an orange cat with no working brain cells. The president’s behavior yesterday firmly puts the US in the category of Bad Guy, along with Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and, depending on the day, Turkey. If anyone is playing around with World War III, it’s the US President, not Zelensky. Zelensky knows war. Felonious Punk doesn’t have a fucking clue.
Making the embrassment even worse, somehow a correspondent for TASS, a Russian state media organization, was among a group of hand-picked pool reporters present in the Oval Office. What the fuck? The Associated Press, a US organization, can’t be in the room but TASS, the official Russian mouthpiece, can? The reporter was later removed from the room, but only after other reporters questioned their presence.
Fortunately, Europe seems to have found a spine and strongly voiced their support for Ukraine and Zelensky. UK Prime Minister KerirStarmer’s office responded, “He retains unwavering support for Ukraine, and is doing all he can to find a path forward to a lasting peace based on sovereignty and security for Ukraine.”
Italy’s Premier Giorgia Meloni, however, proposed “an immediate summit” between the United States and European allies “to speak frankly about how we intend to face today’s great challenges, starting with Ukraine.” She urged the West to stay united.
“Every division of the West makes us all weaker and favors those who would like to see the decline of our civilization,” she said. “A division would not benefit anyone.”
EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen posted directly to Selensky, “your dignity honors the bravery of the Ukrainian people. Be strong, be brave, be fearless. You are never alone, dear President.”
And Friedrich Merz, Germany’s likely next chancellor, wrote: “Dear Volodymyr @zelenskyyua, we stand with #Ukraine in good and in testing times. We must never confuse aggressor and victim in this terrible war.”
Meanwhile in Estonia, which borders Russia, Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna said the only obstacle to peace is Russian President Vladimir Putin ‘s decision to continue the war.
“It is time for Europe to step up,” Tsahkna said in a statement. “We do not need to wait for something else to happen; Europe has enough resources, including Russia’s frozen assets, to enable Ukraine to continue fighting.”
And Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson’s reminded Ukraine of what’s at stake for the Nordic and Baltic countries, and others, if Russia’s aggression spreads.
“You are not only fighting for your freedom but also for all of Europe’s,” Kristersson wrote on X. European officials from Austria, he Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland and Spain, among others, also offered their support to Ukraine.
There’s an uncomfortable problem here, though. Yesterday’s move makes it look likely that the US could exit from membership in NATO. If we do, can the EU sufficiently defend Ukraine and itself from Russia? Ukraine is Europe’s largest military and we see how they’re faring. The next largest is France, which is four time smaller than Ukraine’s. While the UK likes to talk big, they have only a fraction of the troops they did during WWII.
See the problem?
Meanwhile, U.S. Social Security Administration cut 7,000 workers. If you’re one of many looking for or depending upon social security income, you’re screwed.
Democratic appropriators say Republicans have left US government funding talks, raising the risk of a shutdown. We already know that the GOP wants to gut the entire budget, with the exception of defense. They’re planning for war.
Impeachment threats to federal judges are increasing. This is nothing short of intimidation and it’s illegal. The fact that members of Congress are getting in on the act now is enough to have them removed, but I don’t see anyone raising that issue.
Another “list five things” email is hitting federal employees again this morning. The difference this time is that those working on classified projects were instructed to put “all of my activities are sensitive” in their email. That doesn’t make the move any less illegal.
The stock market didn’t do so well this past week and there’s growing concern of a major selloff. If the market completely tanks, large-scale layoffs will hit almost immediately. Many companies have already started.
Thomas L. Friedman writes, “This Has Never Happened With an American President Before” and James Carville is screaming that it’s time for Democrats to make a daring move. I’m not sure anyone in power is actually paying attention, though.
This will be the last Morning Update. I’m taking tomorrow off to work on the new site. Sunday is usually slow news/low readership anyway. When Monday hits, we’ll be over on The content may be lean for a couple of days as we ramp up, but I think it will ultimately be a more efficient and complete way of addressing all the issues we’re facing.
We’ll also be asking for your support. I’m already -$200 in my bank account and there are still bills to pay. With social security taking a dump, we don’t have a lot of options.
We’ll post here again when/if we have more pictures or if we have something of a personal nature we need to share. Thank you for hanging with us through all the chemo. Let’s hope we never need to do that again.
All my love,
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