When I look back at my Facebook history from 13-15 years ago, I see statements like “Up early for a 6 AM shoot,” and “10:00 and two shoots in the can.” I might have complained about aches and pains from time to time, but I was up, active, and doing a lot of shooting. My biggest frustration was the models who didn’t show up and roommates who drove me nuts. I’m happy not to have roommate problems anymore (Kat and the kids are pretty cool for humans). But I miss having people in front of my camera, visitors dropping by at all hours, and moms calling to ask if I can take pictures of their babies. I really miss the babies a lot more than I thought I would.
Most of yesterday was as quiet as I had anticipated. The kids stayed in their rooms with their individual projects. I moved little more than between my chair and the bed. I did take the dogs out when they asked, but that was the most adventurous thing that I did. By 6:00 pm, even cognizant thought was gone. Rain moved in, causing an increase in the pain level to about an 8. Thankfully, the kids are old enough and capable enough to take care of their own dinner. I managed to get down a little of the rice that Tipper made but that was it.
I want to do more. I want to have a camera again. I want to invite people to shoot. While this morning wouldn’t have necessarily been the best day for a sunrise adventure, I’m sure we could have found somewhere interesting to create memorable photographs. I need a camera in my hand. I need to feel useful.
What have I done this morning? I have ham and beans in the slow cooker for dinner tonight. I’ve taken the dogs out. All 11 pets have been fed. All that took about 30 minutes. I am keeping up with the rescue efforts in Baltimore after the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, but that’s not exactly the most exhausting thing I’ve ever done. My pain level is still sitting around a 7. I’m having just enough difficulty breathing that I notice it when I’m completely still. This needs to be another quiet day.
Our kids have the least exciting spring breaks ever. Consistently. I hope no teachers require a creative writing paper on “what I did over spring break.”
Morning Update: 03/27/24
One sure sign that I’m dreaming is how healthy I appear. Have you ever noticed that? In my dreams, I’m more likely to be in my 40s, healthy, and strong. I can still do things like climb trees to get a shot, rescue the damsel in distress, and eat a fantastic meal without feeling ill afterward. Such dreams are a long way from this morning’s reality: old, cancerous, and in pain. I’m not as witty as I once was. I’m not full of quotable sayings. I don’t like how I look. Posture is an afterthought.
Have you ever noticed that television and media don’t know how to represent people like me? It’s easy to represent a gay couple as long as they both look good. It’s easy to represent someone handicapped as long as they can pull off witty banter. Including multiracial characters isn’t a problem anymore, either. But when was the last time you saw a well-defined character who has trouble physically getting out of bed in the morning? Has the crime ever been solved by someone who has to stop in the middle of a car chase to take their medicine? The closest I can think to that kind of inclusion was the old police drama “Ironside,” which started in 1967. Even there, they chose an actor (Raymon Burr) who was otherwise healthy and strong. He was extremely intelligent, and decisive, and showed no sign of muscle atrophy at all.
But then, who wants a main character that’s inherently weak, flawed, and frequently boring?
I was boring yesterday. I’ll likely be boring today. The wind is back out of the North today so I’ll likely spend a fair amount of the day wrapped in a blanket. There are plenty of leftover beans and cornbread so It’s unlikely that I’ll cook. I might take a shower.
The kids were all but invisible again yesterday. G is making friends in the VR community. Tipper is working on her art. Neither leave their room except to get something to eat. Sure, this is typical teenage behavior. To expect much more of them would be ridiculous. I don’t have anything exciting to keep their interest. I mean, what dad can compete with VR?
At least I’m not Utah state Rep. Phil Lyman who responded to yesterday’s collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge with the nonsensical statement, “This is what happens when you have Governors who prioritize diversity over the wellbeing and security of citizens.” In a second post, he wrote, “DEI=DIE.” And this numbskull is running for Governor of Utah. Other insane Republicans blamed the bridge collapse on Russia and open borders. How people get to be so fucking stupid is a situation I don’t understand. ‘Tis the season for desperate attempts to appear relevant, I suppose.
Maybe I’ll go back and re-process some older photos today. Or maybe I’ll just dream.
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