This is the summer of casual bohemian chic and Kat wears it very well
I’m a girl from a good family who was very well brought up. One day I turned my back on it all and became a bohemian. —Brigitte Bardot
This is officially the wettest summer Indiana has seen since someone started keeping records. We have surpassed the record amount of rainfall set all the way back in 1875 and I’m finding it difficult to complain about that too terribly much. Of course, we’re not the ones with trees uprooted by high winds or basements flooding on a weekly basis making the battle against mold never-ending. For us, the summer has been delightfully mild and, on those rare days when it’s not raining, we’ve had a delightful time being out in nature.
Our biggest challenge to the summer is not knowing exactly when rain might hit. Scheduling photoshoots gets difficult when the weather forecast changes multiple times an hour. We might start the day with only a 20% chance of rain, then it changes to 80%, then back down to 40%, up to 70% and all over the place. I’m not inclined to take up someone’s time getting makeup and hair done only to be rained out. Fortunately, we have an in-house model and when we do get a break in the weather Kat is ready to jump in front of the camera for a few quick shots.
Bohemia is the dominant look this summer and that fits in quite nicely with Kat’s personal sense of style that makes comfort and practicality a priority. The loose-fitting, flowing dress is perfect for days when the humidity is high, especially if there’s a little bit of a breeze flowing. The thin cotton breathes well, looks good, and holds up to repeated washings. Other days, especially when we’re out traipsing through the woods as we’re prone to do, jeans and a crop top are more appropriate. The biggest challenge on those days is keeping Kat in shoes. When we come across a chance for her to go barefoot, Kat quickly takes advantage of it, especially if there’s water involved.
We haven’t been able to do many shoots this summer, which makes me rather sad, but it’s nice to know that when we do get a chance to go out the results are going to be fun and exciting.